The simplicity of Nothing.

What’s better than a walk down a dark street at two in the morning when no one is around and there are some dim lights on the empty road to guide you into the silence along with the slow cold breezes with some slow chill music. You don’t even have to try, everything already slows…

You get me, Right?

As a teenager, we have a lot of stories to tell others. Some are just day to day chores, some are those amazing stories which we have to tell our friends to be the cool person, some are just rumors, some are just crazy stories, some are those boring stories, some are important “classified information”…


Welcome to my first and maybe the more boring amongst all the upcoming blogs for now. I thought maybe I would type something about myself here but still have no idea about where to start from. I write down or type out a lot of my thoughts down somewhere but never really keep it safe…